Manchester United News

David Beckham asks the Glazers to leave, this is what the United legend said

David Beckham had a very clear and direct message to the Glazers, leave Manchester United right away.

By Angus Barnes

David Beckham had a very clear and direct message to the Glazers, leave Manchester United right away.
David Beckham had a very clear and direct message to the Glazers, leave Manchester United right away.

The take over process is nowhere close to be definded, now that the Glazers have taken their time to make any decision, but now the red devils legend are also getting a say in the matter.

It seems that the Glazers are yet to make a decision on who is going to become the new owner of Manchester United, and the fact is that all the parties involved, including the fans are not happy with that and are starting to loose patience, and now a legend of the club like David Beckham has decided to ask them to make a decision and leave the team.

In an interview that David Beckham have in the last hours he said the following, “Is it time for the Glazers to leave? I think so. I think it is purely because the fans want it. Once you lose the fans, especially at a club like Manchester United, it is hard to get them back. Obviously, they have achieved a lot, but there needs to be a change. We have all seen that, we all know that”

David Beckham finished with the following, “I suppose any involvement with Manchester United take over would mean the world to me… We will see what happens in the next few weeks or months. Hopefully a decision get's made and if I am involved in any way, if not, I will be a United fan and just do what all fans are doing”

David Beckham role

With the experience of David Beckham with Inter Miami in the MLS, most fans are expecting for him to get sime kind of involvement with the sale of the club and to keep putting more presurre to the Glazers just like he did in the interview to help the take over actually happen.


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