Manchester United News

As in the FBI, the uncomfortable moment that marked the life of a Manchester United legend

"If I disappoint this man, he will kill me," the former French player acknowledged on the Rio Ferdinand YouTube channel about what he came to think when he signed for the Red Devils.

By Harry Smith

"If I disappoint this man, he will kill me," the former French player acknowledged on the Rio Ferdinand YouTube channel about what he came to think when he signed for the Red Devils.
"If I disappoint this man, he will kill me," the former French player acknowledged on the Rio Ferdinand YouTube channel about what he came to think when he signed for the Red Devils.
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Patrice Evra, a player with a special character and personality, is one of the most remembered footballers of Sir Alex Ferguson's Manchester United of the 21st century. Signed by United in January 2006, the former French footballer spent nine seasons at Old Trafford. The eighteenth player with the most caps (379) in the history of the red team headed for Juventus in Turin in 2014 and now, already retired, he participates in various programs as a commentator.

In one of his last appearances, in this case on the YouTube channel Vibe with Five of his former teammate Rio Ferdinand, he has left a curious anecdote about his signing for Manchester United, with the former Scottish coach of the Red Devils as great protagonist. Sir Alex Ferguson spoke with his agent and they met at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. He didn't speak French, so it was more David Gill, the one who handled the negotiations, Evra mentioned that his English wasn't very good, so his agent translated.

The truth is that the conversation between the former player and the former coach was quite striking since he remembers that he asked him questions like: 'Do you drink? No'. 'You like going out? Sometimes'. ‘Are you prepared not to lose a match? Yeah'. ‘Are you ready to not even tie a game? Yeah'. An interrogation that, in addition to defining the type of coach and person that Sir Alex Ferguson was and is, led Patrice Evra to feel as if it were an FBI interview.

At the end when he shook his hand, all I know he was thinking about was he really ready, because if I let this Sir Alex down, he was most likely going to kill me, so it was really impressive. However, the former French international was not only set to prove himself to Sir Alex Ferguson, but to become a leading figure in Manchester United's recent history.

The professional career that could have been Patrice Evra's.

Although his professional career could have been very different if that conversation with the Scottish legend had not taken place at the Parisian airport. Before he arrived at Manchester United, his agent had told him that we had Liverpool, Inter Milan and United. He remembers that his agent was very excited and he told me: 'Patrice, it's Manchester United'. He watched Manchester United because of Eric Cantona, so that was a big influence on him, but meeting Sir Alex Ferguson Ferguson said he felt something special.

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