Manchester United News

Sheikh Jassim is in conflict with the Glazers and could delay a decision

Sheikh Jassim could seen some conflict in the Glazers family that could actually delay the deal from happening.

By Angus Barnes

08/07/2023, 03:24 PM

Sheikh Jassim could seen some conflict in the Glazers family that could actually delay the deal from happening.

Manchester United and all of the parties involve seems that they would need to wait for a take over deal to be taken, and the situation has worried the fans.

Sheikh Jassim wants to become the new owner of Manchester United, and while it seems that the Glazers want to sell the team in this next months, it also seems that the situation could be chaning and the Sheikh Jassim camps is getting desesperate for a decision to be made in the next few months to finally put an end to this novel.

The fact is that the Sheikh Jassim offer means that he wants to take over 100 per cent of the team as soon as he arrives to the team, and now it has also been reported that current owners of Manchester United, the Glazers, have been divided by those he believe that is a fair offer for the team and those who still want to keep a part of the stocks of the team.

The situation has been the same as it has been in the past two months, the Glazers wanted to keep a certain porcentage of the team for at least the next three years but the offer of the Sheikh Jassim is too good to be turned down, and that has now divided the family and that could complicate any type of decision to be made.

Sheikh Jassim upperhand

The upperhand that the Sheikh Jassim currently has is the fact that some groups that currently has stocks of the Manchester United are putting pressure to the Glazers to accept the deal because that could bring him a great profit, and they are even threatening the Glazers that they would need to face a lawsuit if they take any other decision for the new owner.


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