Manchester United News

The stock market reacts to the latest news of the sale of Manchester United

Manchester United stocks have reacted massively to all of the latest news regarding the sale of the club.

By Angus Barnes

13/06/2023, 10:15 AM

Manchester United stocks have reacted massively to all of the latest news regarding the sale of the club.

Manchester United stakeholders are following every step regarding the sale of the club, especially now that the market is reacting to those news.

Manchester United could be ready to bring in their new owner after all this time, we have to remember that it was more than six months ago when the Glazers decided to sell the club, and now it seems that it could all come to an end, especially when we see how the stock market is reacting to the last news that have dropped.

Now it has been confirmed that the Qatari successful bid to buy Manchester United rumours where actually originated from Qatar, and most of them involved senior officials at media organisations that are heavily linked to the Sheikh Jassim and his family, and that has caused that the stock of the red devils to change after those confirmations.

After that has confirmed the stock price did drop slightly, in the last hours it has been reported that one of the main reason the stocks went up at least a 20 percent in the last few days it was because there are many people and groups interested in buying the stocks of Manchester United because they believe that if the Qatar offer is accepted they could earn a lot of money.

Sale of the club news

After it has confirmed that those rumours where only that, and that they where actually originated in Qatar itself, the latest news point out to the fact that Manchester United could be more than ready to start with the actuall process of the sale, especially taking into consideration that small groups that are stakeholders of the club might start questioning the Glazers a reason why they did not accept an offer that would make them a lot  of money.


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