Manchester United News

This would be Manchester United's last offer to try to sign Kylian Mbappé

Manchester United are looking to get in the race to sign Kylian Mbappé.

By Angus Barnes

16/11/2023, 01:56 AM

Manchester United are looking to get in the race to sign Kylian Mbappé.

The red devils are one of the few teams that could actually go ahead and make an offer for the french super star, and it seems that the team might have one chance.

Manchester United seem to not have the best chance to go ahead and sign Mbappé, but the fact is that they could actually have one chance to complete the deal, and while it seems that it could be complicated, the fact is that the team is already working on the deal that could actually go ahead and make it happen in the next few days to complete this deal.

One of the main reasons why several teams might have the chance to go ahead and sign Kylian Mbappé is the fact that Real Madrid confirmed that they are not going to make an offer to sign him, and that closes the door to the main target of the french striker, that could be looking to make a move to a much more important league now.

Several sources close to the red devils office have confirmed that now any deal for Kylian Mbappé would need to include the fact that he needs to arrive for free to the team, and while it seems that the red devils might not be able to pay any transfer fee for him, the fact is that they could convince him with the salary that they could offer.

Those same sources believe that the red devils could be open to go ahead and offer a salary of 40 to 50 million euros per year to Kylian Mbappé, and it seems that this could be the best offer, and the fact is that this offer could only be possible with the arrival of any of the two bidders to the team that could make it happen.

Kylian Mbappé future

In the summer of 2024 it has been confirmed that Mbappé is going to be a free agent, and with the intentions to arrive to a better league, the fact is that the french striker could be looking at his options on the Premier League.


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