Manchester United News

The Brazilian star's response about his future with Manchester United

The rumours are putting Neymar close to Manchester United, and he decided to respond to those rumours.

By Angus Barnes

The rumours are putting Neymar close to Manchester United, and he decided to respond to those rumours.
The rumours are putting Neymar close to Manchester United, and he decided to respond to those rumours.
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Neymar could arrive to Manchester United in the next season, and now he recently decided to talk about the possible move.

Sources close to Neymar Jr have confirmed that he is being seduced by the option to arrive to Manchester United, and that could be more than enough reason for him to arrive to the team in the following season, now he could be looking to arrive to help the team win the Champions League in the next season.

Sources close to him have confirmed that he is looking to arrive to a team in the Premier League, but on top of that he would actually look to arrive to a team in the Champions League, and with the possible arrival of Sheikh Jassim as the new owner of Manchester United, the move could be really probable for Neymar and the red devils.

Despite the fact that he was once the most expensive players in the football history, PSG is now looking to get rid of him, and they are actually considering that the best option for them could actually be a loan, because they do want to get rid of the 30 million euros salary in order to rebuild their project and change the way the team is being managed.

Neymar desire

Neymar does want to arrive to Manchester United and now it seems that he could be looking to arrive to the team once the transfer window starts, the good news for the team is the fact that he could arrive for free, they will just have to pay his salary for the season, and he is more than willing to arrive to the red devils team.

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